Toothache sleepless nights? Instead of painkillers, you will get relief with these 5 home remedies
Home Remedies: Use these home remedies for toothache. It will work
Anyone who suffers knows how terrible toothache can be. Once the pain starts, it spreads from the ear to the head. The toothache is absolutely unbearable. Can't eat, can't sit then. It seems that only if you can pull out the teeth, there is peace. Teeth tingle even after eating hot food and pain after eating something cold. Many people are afraid to go to the dentist even after not being able to endure the toothache. In case the teeth have to be removed. Meanwhile, toothache or infection should not be left behind. In case of excesses, a complicated situation may arise from there. Then you have to buy pain killers from the front shop and carry out the work. However, eating pain killers like this is not good for the body. It can cause multiple problems in the body as well as side effects from there. So stick to these simple tricks.
In earlier days, grandparents used these remedies for toothache. And all these tricks are proven to work.
Gargle with salt in warm water. Gargle with salt in a glass of lukewarm water. If there is any infection in it, it will be reduced as well as if there is any food stuck in the tooth, it will also come out. There is a lot of pain even if there is food in the gap between the teeth. And gargling with salt also improves blood circulation.
You can also make a paste of garlic and apply it on the root of the tooth. Garlic works very well to relieve any kind of pain. Garlic has antibacterial properties. Due to which the pain is reduced instantly. Crush the garlic and mix it with salt and leave it on the pain for 15 minutes. Then brush your teeth.
Cold water is good for teeth. But even if you rinse with this cold water, the toothache and swelling will go away. It might be a little difficult at first. But the pain is bound to subside if you do some cooling. You can also give ice cubes.
Clove oil is also beneficial for teeth. Even if you take a clove and press it on the side of the tooth, the pain decreases. Apply clove oil on the root of the tooth for 30 minutes. Or you can apply it at night before going to sleep. You can sleep peacefully.
Guava leaf juice is also very good for teeth. Wash the guava leaves and boil them in hot water. Now gargle with this water. The anti-inflammatory properties in it reduce the toothache quickly.
Ginger is effective in reducing any kind of pain infection. So boil ginger in water and strain it, put propolis in it and mash it. It has good teeth.
Disclaimer: This report is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a drug or treatment. Consult your doctor for detailed information.